Location: Irrigation Colony, Ram Nagar, Ward no 23, Haridwar
Date: 2021-08-31

Source segregation awareness and Kooda Daan Abhiyan conducted for 320 households in Haridwar's Ward 19

We approached 320 households in Ward 19 Haridwar on August 26,30 and 31, 2021 on a door-to-door collection drive and Kooda Daan Abhiyan. Residents were encouraged to donate their segregated dry waste.

Residents were encouraged to donate their segregated dry waste.

As a part of raising awareness and sensitizing the residents of Ward No. 19 (a pilot implementation ward), we conducted a Kooda Dhan Abhiyan on August 31st. We interacted with 320 households in lanes 1,2,3 & 4 in Khanna Nagar. 

Residents were encouraged to donate their segregated dry waste.

On August 26, 2021 Our team approached the households along with waste collection staff for door-to-door collection. We informed the residents on the different types of waste streams (Dry waste, Wet Waste & Domestic Hazardous waste), their segregation at source and storing of segregated dry (including plastic) waste for the Kooda Daan Abhiyan event on 31st August. We provided them with dry waste bags to ensure the separation of dry waste.

vishal Jaisawal Aviral ganga

On August 30 2021, we approached the 320 households with source segregation instructions and encouragement. We decorated an e-rickshaw with awareness banners and waste segregation tips! We exhibited actual dry waste items on chart papers and requested the households to store their dry waste separately.

Residents were encouraged to donate their segregated dry waste.

On August 31 2021, Our team, along with the e-rickshaw accompanied the waste collection staff to ensure the collection of segregated dry waste. An informal waste worker accompanied the team and channelized the collected plastic waste.

Residents were encouraged to donate their segregated dry waste.

It delighted us to learn that most people understood the concept of source segregation, we're aligned with our objective and offered to continue this practice going forward. We rewarded the enthusiasm of the participants with small saplings.

The households were sensitized to the work done by the informal waste worker. All the segregated dry waste collected was taken by the waste worker for further sorting. It helped him to get segregated dry waste thereby preventing the hazard of handling mixed waste.


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