Location: Adarsh Gram (Ward 6) & Kumhar Bada (Ward 5), Rishikesh
Date: 2021-03-14

Raising awareness and collecting 130 kgs of segregated dry and plastic waste in Rishikesh's Ward 5 and 6

We raised awareness on source segregation by conducting a 200-household door-to-door campaign on March 11th and 12th. We then followed it up with a Kooda Daan Abhiyan on March 14th where 130 kgs of segregated dry and plastic waste were collected.

Raising awareness and collecting

As a part of sensitizing the residents of Ward no. 5 &6 (among the pilot implementation wards) and supporting Rishikesh Nagar Nigam (RNN) on SBM's "Ek Sunday Vishesh Sa", We conducted a Kooda Daan Abhiyan amongst 200 households in these wards.

Raising awareness and collecting

We held a door-to-door household awareness event on 11 & 12 March, 2021. We went door to door to disseminate information on various types of waste streams (Dry waste, Wet Waste & Domestic Hazardous Waste), their segregation at source, and storing of segregated dry waste for the Kooda Daan Abhiyan event to be held on 14th March 2021.

Raising awareness and collecting

On the 14th, our team, along with the Rishikesh Nagar Nigam vehicle and staff, went for segregated dry waste collection. Sanitary inspectors of this ward as well as a Women's Self Help Group were also invited to support collection and awareness generation.

Raising awareness and collecting

We were encouraged to see that 78 households participated by segregating their waste and giving the segregated dry waste to us. 90kgs of dry waste and 40 kgs of plastic waste were collected. We thanked their involved participation by giving them organic Holi colors. 

Raising awareness and collecting

Members of the households in Ward 5 & 6  in Rishikesh appreciated the event and expressed their interest in encouraging other people and households to follow the practice of source segregation as well!  

Raising awareness and collecting

Once these 130 kgs of segregated dry and plastic waste were collected, we sent it further to the  UNDP MRF in Rishikesh for further categorization and recycling.


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